May 21-25 2018 @ Pwani University


May 21-25, 2018


Pwani University, Kilifi Kenya


submit by 22nd March 2018


Kenya Nutritionists & Dieticians Institute

About the conference

KNDI invites all professionals, scholars, government departments, students, junior researchers and senior researchers from all parts of the world to submit scientific abstracts as free papers and symposiums under the following sub themes:

  • Trends in Nutrition Epidemiology
  • Communicable/Non-communicable Diseases, Behavioral Nutrition
  • Nutrition in urban setting
  • Food Security, Sustainable Development and Nutrition sensitive agriculture
  • Maternal and Child Nutrition
  • Indigenous Knowledge in Food and Nutrition
  • Nutrition, policy and Multi-sectoral approaches
  • Technologies in Dietary Assessment and measurements
  • Methodological issues in Nutrition and Dietetics research
  • Food Safety, Laws and Regulatory Framework

Participation shall lead to award of CPD points for KNDI professional practitioners

Deadline for Abstract/Symposium Submissions is 15th April 2018

Conference Poster SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT

Venue: Pwani University

The conference shall be held at The Pwani University, Kilifi Kenya. From the 21st to 25th of May, 2018.

Pwani University is a public university in the Kilifi County in Kenya, located 60 km north of Mombasa in the resort town of Kilifi, within the larger Kilifi County. Prior to the award of a charter, the university was a constituent college of Kenyatta University. The college, formerly the Kilifi Institute of Agriculture, was established on 23 August 2007 by an order signed by H.E President Mwai Kibaki.

Chairman - Dr. Jane Musangi Mutua

Vice-Chancellor - Professor Mohammad Rajab.

Pwani University site

Conference Proposal


Malnutrition is increasingly becoming a health concern, in two folds; overnutrition and undernutrition. In the developed world overnutrition is a major concern in parts of Europe and America. In the developing countries (Kenya inclusive), it is now a double burden with threats of heavy expenditure in the health sector. Despite selective interventions by various key players that have been set up to curb the burden of malnutrition, the problem continues to escalate making the menace a global concern. This has been evidenced by current movements in nutrition such as Scaling up nutrition (SUN) and Capacity Strengthening of nutrition frontline worker by East, Central and Southern Africa (ESCA).
KNDI has organized their 1st International Conference in Nutrition and Dietetics between 21st to 25th May 2018 to be held at Pwani University, Mombasa-Kilifi County to bring together different professionals and key players of nutrition to discuss nutrition agenda through scientific sharing. This will be a milestone step toward addressing the local, regional and global malnutrition problems. KNDI’s intends to bring nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive professionals in the academia, business, social and civil society, researchers, government department and donors to showcase and share their research activities and outputs in the field of nutrition. This forum will also provide platform for discussions on different approaches in programming and scientific research. The outcome of this conference is to come up with information that will add to the global nutrition agenda and policy briefs to inform the global, regional governments and national governments on new trends in nutrition research and impacts of different programmes and projects geared towards solving malnutrition problems. It is highly expected that the local, regional and international teams will learn from each other and share knowledge new scientific methods or approaches, new trends innutrition research, current nutrition problems of concern and innovations in programming with a hope to provide a solution to problems associated with malnutrition. Exhibitions will provide an opportunity to showcase different products, innovations and technology geared towards solving the problem of malnutrition.


To bring together the community of practitioners in Nutrition and Dietetics for knowledge sharing and discussions towards the global nutrition and dietetics agenda for a common purpose.


A wide collection of scientific researches shared from different sub-themes of the conference.
Local, regional and international NGO’s given platform to share best practices and impact of their projects and programmes.
Evidence-based policy briefs developed from a number of research findings and proceedings to inform policymakers on new areas of focus.
Collaborative networks created the health, nutrition and dietetics agenda forward.



  • Anselimo Makhokha - Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Technology, Nutrition Science


  • Sophie Ochola - Kenyatta University, Nutrition


  • David Okeyo-Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI), CEO, Public Health Nutrition


  • Anselimo Makhokha- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Technology
  • J.N Nanua- Pwani University, Food Science and Nutrition
  • David Okeyo - Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI), CEO, Public Health Nutrition
  • Akwilina Mwanri - Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania)


  • Julia Auma Ojiambo- Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI), Founding Chairperson


  • Executive Committee Members
  • Laurent Mselle - Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC)
  • Bitande N. Tochi -Pwani University, Nutrition
  • Makorani Mjidho - Pwani University, Nutrition
  • Evayline Nkirigacha - Pwani University, Nutrition
  • Caroline Muneri - Pwani University, Veterinary
  • James Ndiso - Pwani University, Crops
  • Charles Karani - Pwani University, Agribusiness
  • Nickcy Mbuthia - Pwani University, Nursing
  • Mwasere Juma - Pwani University, Nursing
  • Gordon Nguka - Masinde Muliro University of Science & technology


  • Conference Executive Director-Chairman
  • Lina Njoroge- Health Alternatives- Team Leader
  • Emily Wahome - Mount Kenya University, Public Health Nutrition
  • Ruth Akelola- Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI)
  • Linda Sigilai - Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI)
  • Elizabeth Faith- Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI)
  • Kelvin Musandu - Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute (KNDI ICT)
  • Laura Gake - Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute
  • Moses Kutwah - Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute

Conference Schedule


The workshop will be facilitated by qualified experts in the professional areas. Those attending the workshop will earn 5CPD points thus KNDI professionals are encouraged to attend. The following topics have been identified to guide workshops.

Workshop 1# Monitoring and Evaluation of nutrition intervention
Workshop 2# Leadership and Management competencies
Workshop 3# Nutrition within 1000 days
Workshop 4# Holistic health as a solution to poverty
Workshop 5# Writing evidence based policy brief


THE CONFERENCE SHALL OFFICIALLY BE OPENED ON THE 22 ND MAY 2018 BY THE CABINET SECRETARY FOR HEALTH MRS. SICILY KANINI KARIUKI. Thereafter, an opening reward shall be given by the founding chair of KNDI Council Hon. Prof. Julia Auma Ojiambo in honour of parliamentary leadership and efforts towards establishment of the Nutritionists and Dieticians Act. 18, 2008.


During the period between 22nd to 24th May, invited speakers with both oral and poster presentations will have 15-20 minutes applications to present their scientific work under various sub-themes.
Each day shall be guided by three strategies as follows: -

Strategy 1# Key Note Address
This strategy shall apply for all the main conference days. A keynote address shall begin every morning and afternoon sessions. Morning sessions key note address are scheduled to begin at 8:30 am to 10:30a.m. whereas afternoon sessions keynote address shall begin at 2p.m to 4p.m.

Strategy 2# Science Speakers Sessions
These sessions will allow scientists to present their scientific work under relevant sub-themes based on abstract acceptance details. The sessions will run between 10:00a.m to 12p.m and 3: 00p.m to 5p.m. Each sub-theme session shall be chaired by senior researchers in the area of focus.

Strategy 3# Poster Session
Every poster session shall run during 10 o’clock tea break, lunch break and 4 o’clock tea break. All posters of the day shall be mounted early in the morning and shall stay on the whole day. Scientists presenting on their posters shall be expected to be near their posters during the breaks to explain the content of their work.

Strategy 4# Discussion Forums
Forums to discuss emerging issues from different sub-themes will be scheduled to take place between 5p.m- 6p.m lead by rapporteurs. Such forums are expected to create resolutions and form policy briefs for purposes of influencing nutrition policy.

Strategy 5# Network Session
A network session shall be held on the last day of the conference during afternoon hours. These sessions shall be organized in groups depending on professional areas and interests. A survey tool shall be used to classify these collaboration and networking groups.



Visits to the:

  • Mombasa Beach
  • Voi National Park
  • Malindi Beach
  • Fort Jesus
  • Vasco da Gama
  • Maasai Mara


There are various ways to travel to Mombasa from Nairobi. We have listed a few options below for you.


Take advantage of the many coastal hotels available during the conference.

Hotel Amount (Ksh)
Makuti Villas Resort 3,000
Titinic 2,000 - 2500
Watergate 1,800 - 2000
Pekele 1,800 - 2000
African Dream 1,000
Maua 1,000
Kilifi Holiday Inn 1,000
Sea Point 1,000
Kahawa 800
Ntsangirani 800
Tsunza 800

• All bookings at these rates should be done by 5th May 2018 at 5:00 pm
• Payment should be done through: MPESA PAYBIIL NUMBER: 272223, ACCOUNT: ACCOMODATION
• For more information please contact: Ms. Elizabeth Faith 0700523473, Ms. Laura Gake 0724301824

Registration Fees

Note: Payment and scanned copies of deposit slips should be forwarded through an email: Please indicate the abstract number on payment, advice and notification. (You will be open to Register as soon as you receive a notification that your abstract has been accepted)

The deadline for registration is 30th April 2018. Registration made on the day of the conference will incur a USD 100 additional charge.

All registration fee payments should be made through:

  • Account Name: Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute
  • Account Number: 01128125024600
  • Bank: Co-operative Bank of Kenya
  • Swift code: KCOOKENA
  • Branch: Nairobi Business Center Branch
  • Reason for Payment: CONFERENCE2018
Registration Fee Amount (Ksh)
Exhibition Space 10×10 feet 100,000
Exhibition Space 5×5 feet 50,000
Undergraduate /Diploma/Certificate 1,000
Student (Post Graduate) 6,000
Interns (Nutrition) 2,000
Professional (Nutrition) 6,000
Non-Professional 10,000
Special Lecture (5 Keynote Speakers) 1,000
Workshop Attendance Professionals (Nutrition) 10,000
Workshop Attendance Non-Professionals 20,000
Companies Presentation 20,000
NGOs Participation 30,000 - 35,000

• All those who register in any of the categories will attend the Special Lectures for free.
• Participants who register for Special Lectures only will not attend any other session.
• All Professionals presenting an abstract at the conference pay a fee of USD 200.

Register now

KNDI Conference organizers and the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics editors invite scholars to present their latest researches on current foods, nutrition and dietetics issues including use of modern technologies in the field of nutrition and dietetics. High quality papers in each sub-theme shall be taken through a peer review process and published as special issues in the Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics.


  • Title
  • Author's Name
  • Author's affiliation and address
  • Corresponding author's email address
  • Note: Ensure that the abstract contains statements of it's background, objective(s), methods, results and conclusion in one block narrative.

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